星空无限传媒 College offers abundant opportunities to pursue an exciting career in the field of science! Pursue an Associate of Science Degree with an emphasis in: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Pre-Chiropractic, Pre-Dental, Pre-Engineering, Pre-Medical, Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-Physician's Assistant, or Pre-Veterinary. Learn more about the courses and career paths for each of these areas below!

Completion of an Associate of Science Degree with an emphasis in one of these areas will provide a core foundation that corresponds with the requirements for a Bachelor's Degree from a four-year institution. Please see the 星空无限传媒 College Course Catalog for detailed course information.

Future Students:

Current Students:

星空无限传媒 this Program

Degrees & Certifications Program Length
Associate of Science Degree Four Semesters

What Can This Program Do For You

  • Biology

    The field of biology explores the vast spectrum of life. The Biology department at 星空无限传媒 College equips students with a cohesive understanding of biosciences, preparing them for further study in a number of scientific and health science disciplines.

    Completion of the Associate of Science Degree with an emphasis in Biology is a great first step toward a career in fields such as education, medicine, research, or journalism. Many biology courses at 星空无限传媒 College meet the prerequisites for health science programs and may fulfill the requirements for a Bachelor's Degree from a four-year institution.

    Potential Career Paths:

    • Laboratory Assistant or Technician
    • Research Assistant
    • Speciment Technician
    • High School Biology Teacher
    • Quality Control Technician
    • Soil Scientist
    • Public Health Laboratory Director
    • Quality Control Microbiology Supervisor

    Student Research Teams

    Find out about research opportunities available to students on both campuses and at McMurry University!

  • Chemistry

    Chemistry is an excellent pathway to a career in many different professional sectors. Employers such as healthcare organizations, the food and drink industry, government, environmental consultancies, and colleges and universities all offer opportunities in the field of chemistry.

    An Associate of Science Degree with an emphasis in Chemistry supports study in allied fields and provides a gateway for you to continue your chemistry education. Chemistry courses at 星空无限传媒 College also correspond with the requirements for a Bachelor's Degree from a four-year institution.

    Potential Career Paths:

    • Chemical technician
    • Laboratory Technician
    • Associate Chemist
    • Formulator
    • Toxicologist
    • Research and Development Technician

    Student Research Teams

  • Physics

    An education in physics prepares students to pursue a variety of scientific occupations including engineering, geophysics, biophysics, astronomy, medical physics, nuclear physics, molecular physics, or elementary particle physics.

    An Associate of Science Degree with an emphasis in Physics provides a broad education in physical sciences. Completion of the coursework will prepare students for transfer to a Bachelor's Degree program at a four-year institution.

    Potential Career Paths:

    • Research Scientist
    • Aerospace Engineer
    • Professor
    • Physicist
    • Astronaut
    • Airline Pilot or Train Engineer
    • Airplane Navigator
    • Ballistics expert
    • Electrical or Mechanical Engineer
    • Hydrologist
    • Electrical, Laser, Mechanical, or Optics Physicist
  • Salary Information

    Links to the following websites are provided for your convenience and information and do not constitute official endorsement by 星空无限传媒 College.

    • The can help you find career information on duties, education and training, pay, and outlook for hundreds of occupations.
    • Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, is a resource for career exploration, training, skill sets, wages & jobs.
  • Associate of Science, General Studies Courses

    Freshman Year

    First SemesterSecond Semester
    ENGL 1301 Composition I3ENGL 1302 Composition II3
    HIST 1301 United States History I3HIST 1302 United States History II3
    MATH Elective **3MATH Elective **3
    Life & Physical Science ***4Life & Physical Science ***4
    Creative Arts *3Elective *3

    Sophomore Year

    First SemesterSecond Semester
    GOVT 2305 Federal Government3GOVT 2306 Texas Government3
    Life & Physical Science *4SPCH 1315 Public Speaking3
    Social & Behavioral Science *3Electives *9
    Language, Philosophy & Culture *3

    *See core curriculum course options. Courses should be chosen to fulfill transfer requirements for a particular STEM major. Students should consult with their intended transfer institution's program requirements before choosing courses.
    **Math Electives include MATH 1314, 1316, 1324, 1325, 1342, 2412, 2413, 2414, 2415
    ***Life & Physical Science Electives include BIOL 1406, 1407, 1411, 1413, 2401, 2402, 2421, CHEM 1411, 1412, 2423, 2425, GEOL 1403, 1404, PHYS 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404, 2425, 2426
    ****Electives should be chosen to fulfill transfer requirements for a particular STEM major. Students should consult with their intended transfer institution鈥檚 program requirements before choosing courses.

Meet the Faculty

Felicia Barron

Professor of Biology
星空无限传媒 Campus
(254) 442-5187

Justin Ceniceros Headshot 2025

Justin Ceniceros

Science Division Chair
Professor of Biology
星空无限传媒 Campus
(254) 442-5185

Curriculum Vitae

Chandra Headshot

Nirmala Chandrasekharan

Professor of Chemistry
Abilene Campus
(325) 794-4429

Curriculum Vitae

Lauren Hatton Headshot

Lauren Hatton

Professor of Biology
星空无限传媒 Campus
(254) 442-5163

Curriculum Vitae

Bea Jackson

Professor of Biology
Abilene Campus
(325) 794-4512

Curriculum Vitae

Zane Laws Headshot

Zane Laws

Professor of Biology & Chemistry
Abilene Campus
(325) 794-4461

Curriculum Vitae

Rachel Ritchie Headshot

Rachel Ritchie

Professor of Biology
Abilene Campus
(325) 794-4429

Curriculum Vitae

Maggie Viertel Headshot

Dr. Maggie Viertel

Professor of Mathematics
Professor of Chemistry & Geology

Abilene Campus Office #1

Julie Wallis Headshot

Dr. Julie Wallis

Biology Professor
Abilene Campus

Curriculum Vitae

Sarah Wise Headshot

Sarah Wise

Professor of Biology
Abilene Campus
(325) 794-4459

Curriculum Vitae