The Wrangler Belles are a dance/drill team that performs year round at football halftimes, basketball halftimes, parades, special events, and exhibitions. This group is close knit with an emphasis placed on attitude and individual growth. The Belles offer several advantages to students wishing to pursue their college career, as well as become a part of a prestigious dance team.
Some of the advantages to being a Wrangler Belle is the scholarships awarded to every team member, low cost education, friendly small campus atmosphere, numerous campus organization, travel opportunities, and ÐÇ¿ÕÎÞÏÞ´«Ã½ College is easily accessible off I-20 between Fort Worth and Abilene.
If you have any further questions feel free to browse our website or contact Jenna Wood at

Dance Studio
The Wrangler Belle dance studio is located in the Cosmetology Building at the ÐÇ¿ÕÎÞÏÞ´«Ã½ Campus. The Belles hold rehearsals in this state of the art facility under the direction of Jenna Wood.
The Belles perform precision/traditional military, high kick, prop, pom, and novelty type dances during football season. There varied performance opportunities also allow the Belles to create and perform lyrical, modern, jazz, hip-hop, and power-pom style of dances all year long.
Scholarships are a tool to bring monetary substance to the table for a young lady to be a Wrangler Belle. After making the team and receiving your scholarhship you do not have to audition again for the team. After each semester, every Belle will have an individual meeting with the director. The director will discuss any concerns or suggestions with the Wrangler Belle so that she may improve herself as a team member. Each Belle must understand that dancing is not only a hobby or recreational activity, but also a job. You must fulfill your responsibility to remain eligible for your scholarship which includes:
- Abiding by the rules of the constitution
- Maintaining 12 credit hours with a 2.0
- Showing a passion/respect for dance, the Belles, and fellow team members.
A Belle may be relieved of her membership and scholarship if any of these criteria are questioned.
ÐÇ¿ÕÎÞÏÞ´«Ã½ College Wrangler Belle Scholarship Awards
Every member of the Wrangler Belles receive a generous scholarship to be a part of this prestigious team. After each and every audition, scholarships are awarded immediately following the audition. Scholarships are based upon academic and dance ability. Officers receive supplements to their scholarships. Book Scholarships are also offered to scholarship recipients until the fund is not available anymore.
"Early bird gets the worm!" The earlier a candidate auditions, the more scholarship/book is available. Don't wait until the last minute! -
Dorm Life
All Wrangler Belles are housed in Nance Hall and occupy their own personal hallway specifically designated for the dance team. The dorm rooms are set up in suitemate style with a bathroom shared between two rooms. Each Belle will have her own personal closet, desk and a twin bed with extra storage underneath. See our Photo Album page for a view of some of the girls’ rooms.
A Wrangler Belle candidate first and foremost must show a passion for dance in her presence and attitude. A Belle should have a teamwork attitude and be willing to make decisions and sacrifices for the betterment of the Wrangler Belle Dance/Drill Team. Our team expects and nourishes a work ethic that a Belle will carry out into the real world after college. Of course the Belles want great dancers, but it is the focus of our team to become better people as we dance and move through this journey of dance and life.
We are so excited that you have taken the first step to becoming a Wrangler Belle. Thank you for visiting our audition page and we look forward to meeting you in the near future. Good Luck and never Stop Dancing!
Spring 2024 Audition Dates
March 7th
April 4th
- 10:30 AM - Meet in the ÐÇ¿ÕÎÞÏÞ´«Ã½ College Library (Center of Campus) for Q/A session with the director.
- 11:00 AM - Campus Tour / Dorm Visit
- 11:30 AM - Lunch with Belles that are available for more information.
- 1:00 PM - Auditions begin - Stretch, Performance of your own solo, kicks, technique across floor, teach a short kick series, and a short jazz style dance.
- Auditions will conclude with scholarship awards!
All Wrangler Belles receive a scholarship that ranges from $1,500.00 - $2,000.00 per semester plus books.
You may set up individual auditions at anytime.
What do you need to do for the audition?
- Fill out a prospect form below
- Confirm your audition with the director by e-mail or by phone
- Wear all black with dance shoes of your choice
- Bring three letters of recommendations from and dance/drill team instructor, teacher of a core subject, and an administrator from your school
- Unofficial High School Transcript
- Bring a dance that shows off your strengths as a dancer (This may be a dance that your team performed or your own choreography)
Be prepared to: Learn a new dance, demonstrate kick ability, splits, leaps, pirouettes, tilt kick, axle, and a variety of technical skills that you may want to demonstrate during the technique session.
Interested in joining the Wrangler Belles? Fill out the form below!
Jenna Wood, Director of Wrangler Belles & Cheer
(254) 442-5140